Intelligent Motion Control Since 1987

Why Choose PMC?

  1. Top-quality products, backed by a generous 1 Year Warranty - We design our products with quality as our primary goal. Our engineers take great pride in producing truly excellent products, and refuse to compromise the quality of our designs for the sake of economy. To help you judge this for yourself, we encourage you to compare our products to the competition by viewing the detailed specifications, reading our product documentation, and by taking advantage of our no-risk product evaluation program.
  2. Highly competitive prices and aggressive discounts for volume buyers High-quality products at low prices add up to unbeatable values for OEM machine builders of all sizes. Significant price breaks start as low as 2-piece quantities and quantity discounts can exceed 50% at 50+ piece quantities. More
  3. No-risk product trial evaluations - Qualified buyers can try our products with an unconditional money-back guarantee. More
  4. Unmatched technical support - We support our customers directly from our factory, with a highly experienced team of engineers. Our customers benefit from direct interaction with the hardware and software engineers who actually design our products, which allows us to offer the fastest and most effective resolution of any challenging technical issues that may arise. More
  5. Responsiveness - As a small company, we are extremely responsive to each customer's special needs. We routinely provide custom features and performance enhancements to meet the unique needs of our customers. More
  6. Long-term availabilty of legacy products - Our OEM customers count on being able to obtain our products long after the initial purchase. As a manufacturer, we take extraordinary steps to extend our legacy product life-cycles as far into the future as possible. In fact today, we still manufacture and sell products that we first introduced to the market in 1989! More
  7. 30+ years of leadership - You can count on our solid track record as a pioneer in the motion control industry, backed by a growing portfolio of successful, time-tested products applied to a wide variety of real-world applications.